I grew up in a sleepy, one-stoplight town in the heart of southern Kentucky and have always had a deep passion for art. As a little girl, I was naturally artistic and as I matured, so too did my closeness to painting, which in turn compelled me to forge my own path as an artist.
The countryside grows on you here and over time its silence helps one to find oneself and cherish the little things — as an artist, that is invaluable. Nature is a common theme in many of my paintings, because of my reverence for it and the profoundly pure beauty that it holds. Sunsets, starry nights and foggy southern mornings have often acted as the backdrop for my paintings and other times served as inspiration, allowing me to immerse myself in the ambiance of nature and paint passionately, without boundaries. I am an expressionist artist. Having taught myself how to paint, through throwing myself into my art, I realized over time that my paintings are deeply emotional. One reason for this could be because I write poetry and tend to put a great deal of thought into what I do. As an artist, I sometimes do feel vulnerable in my artistic expressions. My art is driven by emotion, sensitivity and vulnerability. Rather than run away from that, I run towards it; filling each of my paintings with soul, meaning and color. Layered within my brushstrokes are atmosphere, feeling and depth, which give my paintings a unique edge - something that makes each one different, sincere and special. It feels good to organically express myself in this way — I put a tremendous amount of heart into my art.
Concerning my art, the most important thing to me is remaining true to myself and authentic in my expression. You cannot spell painting without ''pain'' and there is certainly a great deal of that behind my paintings. My art has often served as a light through the dark. I dislike the exactness of forms and I find solace through painting things in my own way, chiefly the warmth, healing and beauty of nature - especially flowers. I have no control in how viewers interpret my paintings. Most works of art have their mysteries; It is stimulating to feel as though you understand them — through gazing into them.
I write often. The following link redirects to my blog: